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4 posters

    Oh, my God!

    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 7:52 pm

    So now word's out that Rob has been instructed by his security not to even LOOK at the screaming fan girls. He's not supposed to encourage them at all. No looking, no signing stuff, nothing. Basically, he's supposed to ignore their existence! That's horrible. Poor Rob!
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:02 pm

    I feel so sorry for him. I dont think i could handle having that many crazy's after me all the time. I cant believe it has gotten to this point where he has to ignore all the fangirls. All that will do is make them angrier and come out in more force for a while. I actually feel sorry for Rob, not only is he attacked by crazy fans, but now he has to ignore them and look rude.

    Not to mention on the cover of News Weekly magt it says 'Kristen tells Rob, I'm pregnant'...

    Evil or Very Mad
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:03 pm

    WHAT?! She's pregnant!? Where was I when that one happened? I haven't seen it. Holy shit!
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:10 pm

    I dont know if she really is, but in the artice in NW mag it has a pic of her, and she is looking a bit rounder around the stomach and her tight leather pants she is wearing for The Runaways, arent even done up.

    The article was like 3 pages long, but it could be lies, or a cry for attention, it is in a gossip mag after all. I mean, they always twist things. The way i see it, if she is pregnant, how does she know it was Rob's, especially since she was sleep with Rob and Michael at the same time!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:10 pm

    I don't think she's pregnant. I think it's a bunch of bullshit that the media puts out there for money.
    Runs With Vampires
    Runs With Vampires

    Number of posts : 11705
    Location : having nakeycuddle time with my edward!
    Registration date : 2009-03-15

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  LiONLAMBxox Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:11 pm

    haha i REALLLLLY doubt kristen is pregnant. and if she is i guess theyll just have to film breaking dawn after all! look on the bright side! lol. they better get cracking!

    and i KNOW! poor freaking rob =[. people are insane! its not like he's a god or something. hes a normal person who deserves a life too. id probably freak out inside if i say him, but i would totally NOT go crazy like that. worst i would do would be giggle uncontroably... which is a far freaking stretch from trying to rip his Fornication Under Consent of the King arm off. i HATE people like that. who the hell do they think they are?! its not like he's a toy for them to do what they want with. URGH.
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:12 pm

    I know, Sister! I was like about to punch someone when i read that he was told not to acknowledge any fans. That's extreme! I don't think ANYONE has been told not to LOOK at fans before.
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:18 pm

    Hahah look, i dont like Rob as much as you guys do, but he is OK, he has a personality at least, he just dont look good to me. But i feel like smacking some of them crazy bitches around when i see pics and vids of what happens when Rob is around.

    Yes, i am crazy, and i would probably die meeting Taylor, but i wouldnt be that insane, he is still a normal person, as is Rob, as Mary pointed out.

    Ok and about pregnancy - yeah, when i was reading it, i was thinking, yeah, ok, i doubt it. But everyone seems to believe it, or want to believe it. I mean, as i pointed out, she simply had to gain some weight for her new role, because Joan Jett wasnt stik thin! LOL!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:20 pm

    Yeah. And with the pregnancy, she's been all over filming movies and stuff. Rob's in New York. She's in LA, right? She'd have to be several months pregnant. I don't think it's true. if it is, I'm pissed.

    Rob deserves respect, and I'm so mad. He needs better security for one thing, and fan girls need to leave him alone. Then he needs like police escorts everywhere. he stayed in TWO hotels in FOUR days because of all the crazy bitches.
    Runs With Vampires
    Runs With Vampires

    Number of posts : 11705
    Location : having nakeycuddle time with my edward!
    Registration date : 2009-03-15

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  LiONLAMBxox Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:22 pm

    sister im thinking it really might be time to go offer rob our services as security! tenny you can come too if you want! maybe he'll be so greatful that he'll hook you up with taylor!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:23 pm

    I agree, Sister! Let's go! I'll steal the Porsche outside. Very Happy
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:26 pm

    Hahaha yeah i will be there, i mean, Rob does know Taylor, and i would just love to get some anger out on some crazy fans. I am a pretty hot headed person, and obviously them being sp crazy would send me into Paul mode, then i would definatly clear a path for Rob, i would run headlong at them bull style.

    And like i said, he knows Taylor, so that is a bonus! LOL!

    And yeah, Soph, your right, it says that in the atricle, he is in NY filming Remember Me, and she is in LA doing The Runaways. But apparently Kristen says it times perfectly with the night the spent together after the MTV awards, whenever that was....I think media wants to make stories!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:26 pm

    Yeah, that just sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me.

    Okay, girlies, I have to get off the library computers. I'll try to get back on when I get home. I'm stealing the Porsche too. Very Happy
    Runs With Vampires
    Runs With Vampires

    Number of posts : 11705
    Location : having nakeycuddle time with my edward!
    Registration date : 2009-03-15

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  LiONLAMBxox Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:28 pm

    hahaha yay! so me and sister will steal a car XD and tenny you should probably steal a plane and pick up rairai and cousin on the way lol!
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Mon Jul 06, 2009 8:34 pm

    Hahaha ok, i will get my hands on a plane, fly over to Rai Rai first, then head over to Ally. Sounds like a plan. Then we will meet you guys somewhere. And Operation Help Rob is in affect. Which will hopefully lead to Operation Tennille meets Taylor, which then goes on to the hottest couple ever Taynille! LOL!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:13 pm

    I'm home!

    Taynille sounds sexy! Definitely the hottest couple around involving Taylor.
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:35 am

    Hahaha well i am glad you agree. Because it totally is hot. Me and Taylor would be awesome together, and once me and Taylor got togther i wouldnt stop saving Rob with you guys from the crazies either! LOL! Man i am so nice sometimes! LOL!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:36 am

    Lol. We love you, Tenny! Haha. But you deserve Taylor! You've fought for him over and over on here. All the mean things I've said, lmao!
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:43 am

    LOL! It is true. I refuse to give up on my Taylor. No matter what anyone says. If only i could let him know that! LOL! if only he was reading here, think how cool that would be. Me and Taylor together because he can see the love i have for him, and then he can get us all over there and we can be Rob's bodyguards, because i seen a youtube vid just before i logged on, and Rob was getting smashed, crazy bitches! LOL!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:46 am

    LOL! I know! Here's a new plan:

    Rob hires Taylor as his body guard, and then we go on a trip to New York! We take over for Taylor. You get him. Very Happy
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:48 am

    Hahaha that sounds like a plan to me! LOL! Lets do it, we would be great bodyguards for Rob, i have no problem using my fists! LOL! And heck, i have no problem using my hands, mouth and various other parts of my body when it comes to Taylor! LOL!
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:51 am

    LMAO! Good! That's very good. See, those parts do come into use when you help protect Rob with Taylor. I'm sure his parts will come into use also.
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:54 am

    Hahaha i have this totally cool visual of me punching a crazy in the face and Taylor being like - 'damn babe, you can use your hands on me anyday' and then him bending over kissing my lips before whisking me away!

    And you, the girls and Rob all like - Shocked
    Royal Cullenate
    Royal Cullenate

    Number of posts : 9302
    Location : Midwest
    Job/hobbies : Reading, writing, sleeping, music, etc.
    Registration date : 2009-03-16

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  TheRealBella Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:55 am

    And then Rob takes us to his hotel room! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!
    Jake's REAL Imprintee
    Jake's REAL Imprintee

    Number of posts : 8890
    Location : With Jacob, as always, nice and warm, and very naked in his bed.
    Job/hobbies : Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner, Jacob Black, Taylor Lautner
    Registration date : 2009-03-18

    Oh, my God! Empty Re: Oh, my God!

    Post  Pretty_Twisted Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:56 am

    hahaha exactly. And you can hear us through the walls as our rooms are all close, and we can hear you guys as well! How funny would that be! And how jealous would all them crazy rabid fangirls be! LOL!

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